How the Pensacola Navy-Yard was Surrendered.

New York Times, 16 January 1861

PENSACOLA, Saturday, Jan. 12, 1861.

I hasten to inform you that the Pensacola Navy-yard is no longer in possession of Uncle Sam. The Artillery Officer at Fort Barrancas, who had a company under his command, and Commodore ARMSTRONG of the Yard, yesterday received intimation that the Secessionists wanted to drive the United States forces away from here, and this morning the rumor was confirmed. Over one hundred men, apparently well drilled and armed, demanded peaceable surrender of the posts, which, after some consultation, was given. The marines, of whom we have about 43, were anxious for resistance, and I believe Capt. WATSON was also, but it seems Commodore Armstrong opposed it. The Government troops available, had the artillery and the few United States sailors here been concentrated, would have been sufficient to keep the rebels at bay, were such a course desirable. As it is, there was nothing worth fighting for. There are sufficient stores and provisions to last the captors for a while, but the storeship Supply fortunately took a large cargo away, which might have been seized. Florida may be put down as the first seceding State to seize a man-of war. The United States steamer Fulton is in the hands of the Seceders, and I wish them joy with her. The Crusader had left, and the Wyandotte was also, I believe, out of harm's way. It would take more time and cost more money to refit the Fulton, whose miraculous escape from destruction off the coast will be remembered by all, than she would be worth. The marines, sailors and artillery soldiers here have telegraphed for instructions. I have reason to know that they will all go to Washington.

Commodore ARMSTRONG ought to be a Union man. He was born in Kentucky, appointed from Mississippi, and is a citizen of Massachusetts. So the end of this affair is that Pensacola and Barrancas are gone, and that the South has stolen the first vessel of its future navy.