Regulations for the government of the United States Navy (1865)

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Section 8.

Lieutenants, Masters, and Ensigns.

428 Lieutenants, Masters, and Ensigns, are the Watch and Division Officers.

429 They will punctually and zealously execute all orders they may receive from their Commanding or other Superior Officer, and, as far as in their power, see that all on board, who are subordinate to them perform with diligence and propriety the several duties assigned them. They are to be attentive to the conduct of the ship.s company; to prevent all profane, abusive, and improper language, all disturbance, noise and confusion; and to report to the Executive Officer those whose misconduct they may think deserving of punishment. They will conform to the manner of performing duty adopted by the Executive Officer.

430 On taking charge of a watch, an Officer is to make himself well acquainted with the position of the vessel with reference to all other vessels in sight, and to any land or danger that may be near, and with all orders that remain unexecuted. He shall hold no conversation with any one, except on duty, nor engage in any occupation which may distract his attention. He is to see that the men on deck are kept on the alert and attentive to their duty; that the look-outs are kept at their several stations and are obviously vigilant; that each sail set is kept properly spread and trimmed; and every precaution is observed to prevent accidents from squalls. Throughout his watch he is to be careful that the vessel is properly and duly steered ; that a correct account is kept of her way and leeway; and that the courses and distances, together with every occurrence of importance and interest, and accident resulting in loss of any kind, are plainly and legibly entered on the deck-log, which log he is to sign at the conclusion of his remarks, with his initials, on the termination of his watch.

431 He is to see that the subordinate officers of the watch are in their stations and attentive to their duties, and that they muster the men on deck when the other men are relieved from it, and as often afterwards as he may judge necessary.

432 He is to be careful, at night, that the required lights are kept burning and are properly trimmed, and, in fogs, that the required signals are sounded. In approaching and passing vessels he is to be governed by the regulations for preventing collisions.

433 He is promptly to inform the Commanding Officer of all strange vessels that may be discovered ; of any land, shoal, rock, or danger that may be made; of all changes of wind or weather; of all alterations of canvas or steam by the Commanding Officer of the squadron or division to which the vessel may belong; and, generally, of all occurrences worthy of notice.

434 He is never, on his own authority, to carry sail or steam so as to endanger spars or machinery; nor, when the Commanding Officer is on deck, is he ever to alter either without first consulting him.

435 He is never to change the given course without orders from the Commanding Officer, unless it may be necessary to do so to avoid danger, and then he shall report to him without delay.

436 On the discovery of a strange sail at night, or in a fog, during war, he is, besides sending at once to inform the Commanding Officer of the fact, to have made immediately every preparation for action that circumstances will allow.

437 At night he is to take care that the Master-at-Arms, ship's corporal or non-commissioned officer of marines detailed for the purpose, on watch, is particular in going the rounds and visiting every accessible part of the vessel below the spar deck, every half hour, in order to see that no irregularities are occurring among the crew; that all prisoners are safe and in their places; that no improper lights are burning ; that no smoking after hours is taking place; and reporting to him accordingly. He will also take care that an officer of the watch go the same rounds at least as often as twice during his watch. And besides, he is to cause the pumps to be sounded twice, or oftener, during his watch, and a Gunner's Mate or Quarter Gunner to examine the security of the battery as frequently, and have the reports with regard to both examinations made to him.

438 He is not to make any signal without orders from the Commander, unless to warn vessels of some danger; but he will see that everything is in readiness to make them by day or by night.

439 He shall always have his side-arms either on the person or at hand; a trumpet shall be carried at sea, and a spy-glass in port. During wet weather he may wear a water-proof coat and cap.

440 He shall give his attention that all officers, or others, coming on board or leaving the ship, shall receive the marks of respect to which they are entitled.

441 No boat is to be allowed to leave the ship or come alongside without the knowledge of the Officer of the Deck. When boats or tenders come alongside with provisions, water, or stores of any kind, he is to see them cleared without delay, and that no prohibited articles are brought on board; and that all articles which may be ordered to be sent out of the vessel are carefully and properly put on board the vessel or boats which are directed to receive them.

442 When boats leave the ship he shall be particular to see that they have their proper crews, suitably clothed, and that no man not belonging to a boat shall take the place of one who does, without the authority of the Executive Officer.

443 He shall take care that a strict and accurate account is taken of all stores received on board, or sent from the vessel during his watch, and see that those which are received are delivered in charge of the proper officer, and that the number or quantity received or sent from the vessel is correctly entered on the log-slate.

444 He shall never cause the engines of a steam vessel to be stopped, without first slowing them, nor to be worked at full speed until the vessel has first gathered way, except in cases of great emergency.

445 He will see the conductors, life-buoys, heaving lines and drift leads ready for service, and that a boat is always ready for lowering.

446 A Lieutenant, Master, or Ensign, when called or sent on board the vessel of the Commander-in-Chief, Commander of a squadron, or Commander of a division, to receive orders, is to take with him an order book, and insert therein the orders that may be given to him.

447 An Officer commanding a division of guns and men on board a vessel is to be held responsible for its efficiency in all respects. Besides keeping the guns in constant condition for action, and the men well trained to their use agreeably to the Ordnance Instructions, he is to give his personal attention to the cleanliness and good appearance of the men; to the examination of their clothing and bedding, and to the making out requisitions to supply their necessary wants at stated periods; to the issuing of clothing to them, and to their converting materials drawn from the paymaster to the purpose for which they were required ; to observe that their clothing is neatly made, marked, and kept in good order, and to keep correct clothes lists. In inspecting clothing, it is to be done by calling a gun's crew at a time, and also in making out requisitions.

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