USS Arletta

The USS Arletta was a schooner built in 1860 that was purchased by the Navy on 7 September 1861 and commissioned 30 January 1862 with Acting Master Thomas E. Smith commanding.

She was one of the "bummers" in the Mortar Flotilla and served on the West Gulf Blockading Squadron from 11 March 1862 to 11 July 1862 when she was reassigned to the James River Flotilla.

  • USS Arletta on Wikipedia

  • Deaths

      Name Rate/Rank Date of Death Age
    ⚔ 〰James LaverOrdinary Seaman18 April 1862


    killed in action
    prisoner of war
    died of disease or injury
    died of yellow fever
    ø died due to vessel loss
    died in ordnance accident
    buried on land in marked grave
    buried/lost at sea
    🎖 Medal of Honor recipient
    transcribed letters of sailor/marine posted

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