Despatch 329 (1864)

No. 329
Flag Ship Hartford
West Gulf Blockading Squadron
July 31st, 1864

Sir, I forward herewith the proceedings of a Naval General Court Martial held on board the Portsmouth at New Orleans in the cases of Actg. 3d Assistant Engineers Frank Rodgers and John M. Moran, both of the USS Meteor (tin clad).

The charge in each case was desertion. The Court in the case of Rogers sentenced him to be dismissed the service but in the case of Moran when the evidence was really more favorable to the accused, the Court sentenced him to ten years imprisonment.

I cannot approve this sentence and as the Court has adjourned sine die, I forward the record for the decision of the Department.

I think the punishment of Moran should not be greater than that of Rogers.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
D. G. Farragut
Rear Admiral
Comd'g W. G. B. Squadron

Hon. Gideon Welles
Secretary of the Navy
Washington, DC