Despatch 559

No. 559
Flag Ship Hartford
West Gulf Blockading Squadron
Mobile Bay November 27th 1864

I desire to call the attention of the Department to the case of Jesse Dinton whom I appointed in August last a third class Pilot which appointment was approved by the Department in its despatch of October 10th.

His services are very valuable particularly in the upper waters of this Bay, with which he is perfectly familiar and I consider that one hundred dollars a month with a ration would not be more than a proper renumeration for his services. Being however a colored man I do not feel at liberty to appoint him an Acting Ensign under the order of the Department of October 18th.

I have therefor given him a new appointment simply as Pilot at a compensation of one hundred ($100) a month and a ration from this date November 27th, which I trust the Department will approve.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
D.G. Farragut
Rear Admiral
Comdg W. G. B. Squadron

Honorable Gideon Welles
Secretary of the Navy