Regulations for the government of the United States Navy (1865)

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Section 16.

Master Workmen.

931 A board will inquire into the qualifications of those selected by the Navy Department for appointment as master workmen, and report upon their fitness to the Bureau of Yards and Docks. The board will consist of the Executive Officer, the Chief Engineer, the Naval Constructor, or the Civil Engineer of the yard, as the case may demand. In the absence of the Constructor or Engineer his assistant shall act in his place.

932 The master workmen shall, either alone or with others who may be employed in the navy yard, when they maybe directed, inspect stores that may be received into the yard in their respective departments, and certify as to the quality, and reasonableness of price.

933 They shall be in the yard at the times of commencing work, and keep, in due form, an account of the labor performed by each individual in their respective departments, upon different objects, and hand copies of the same, daily, to the clerk of the Commanding Officer, and also to the Chief Engineer, Naval Constructor, or Civil Engineer, if under the direction of either, and if not, to the clerk of the yard.

934 They shall have the immediate control of, and be vigilant to insure constant diligence from, all those who may be employed under their special direction.

935 They shall attend all surveys and conversions of materials in their respective departments, and, if necessary, they may suggest measures for their better preservation.

936 In the selection of workmen they may suggest the names of persons to be employed, but their employment shall be made with the approval of their superiors in office. Whenever men shall be required, and new ones taken into the yard who may not be known to the Chiefs of the respective departments as good workmen in their several branches, they shall be examined by the chief of the department, whether it be the Chief Engineer, Naval Constructor, or Civil Engineer, and are not to be received unless they are found to be competent and correct men. When a reduction is required, they may suggest the names of the persons, but the selection for discharge shall be approved by the head of the department, under the direction of the Commandant, and embrace those whose services can best be dispensed with consistently with the interest of the government and justice to individuals.

937 They will hand to the clerk of the Chief Engineer, Naval Constructor, or Civil Engineer, daily, an account of all the timber and other materials which may have been taken for use the preceding day by them, or by their direction.

938 No article whatever is to be taken or used without the knowledge of the proper master workman.

939 The master workmen must give their regular personal attendance, and are only to be paid, like all other persons who receive daily pay, for the time they actually attend to their duty in the yard, except when special exemptions shall be granted with the approbation of the Navy Department.

940 No master workman shall leave the yard during working hours without the knowledge and consent of the head of the department in which he is employed, who shall report his absence to the Commandant, No person employed under him shall leave the yard during working hours without the permission of the Commandant or Executive Officer.

941 If any mechanic or other person employed in a navy yard shall be dismissed for misconduct, by proper authority, such person shall not again be employed in any navy yard, except by direction of the Secretary of the Navy.

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